Review of a Cultural Artifact


In this paper i examined an artifact from the year i choose, 1963. I selected the Kodak Instamatic Camera and give the history on it, as well as information on how it effected and influenced people and the culture of that era. In this assignment we had to show the following:
·      What purpose did it serve?

·      Who produced it?

·      Who used it?

·      In what context was it used?

·      Was its use identified with a particular group in society (a particular sex, class, age, race, or ethnicity, etc.)?

·      Was it used differently by different groups?

·      How much did it cost?

·      Did its cost limit who used it?

·      How was it marketed, and to whom?

·      Does it resemble other objects?  Did it replace, and/or was it replaced by, another object?  And finally, what does it say about American values that this object existed, was used, or marketed, in a particular way?


This assignment was relatively easy. It did take a while to collect all the information for this report, but it was easy because of how straight forward the assignment was. I used Penn States online library to access different databases in order to gather information.

Cultural Artifact Paper